Greek |
Spain |
Portugal |
Italy |
Economy |
The Greek economy shrank by 6 percent during 2011, and it has been shrinking for five years in a row |
The Spanish economy will shrink by 1.4 percent during 2012 |
It is being projected that the Portuguese economy will shrink by 5.7 percent during 2012 |
The Italian economy will shrink by 1.2 percent during 2012 |
Average unemployment rate |
The average unemployment rate in Greece in 2010 was 12.5 percent. During 2011, the average unemployment rate was 17.3 percent, and now the unemployment rate in Greece is up to 21.8 percent |
The unemployment rate in Spain is now up to 23.6 percent |
The unemployment rate in Portugal is up to 15 percent |
The unemployment rate in Italy was last reported at 9.3 percent in February of 2012 |
Youth unemployment rate |
The youth unemployment rate in Greece is now over 50 percent |
The youth unemployment rate in Spain is now over 50 percent |
The youth unemployment rate in Portugal is now over 35 percent |
Youth unemployment in Italy is up to 31.9 percent – the highest level ever |
Debt to GDP ratio |
Greece now has a debt to GDP ratio of approximately 160 percent |
The ratio of government debt to GDP in Spain will rise by more than 11 percent during 2012 |
All forms of debt in Portugal (government, business and consumer) the total is equivalent to approximately 360 percent of GDP |
Italy now has a debt to GDP ratio of approximately 120 percent |
Bank |
The three largest Spanish banks have approximately 2.7 trillion dollars in assets and they are all on the verge of failing. |
Banks in Portugal borrowed a record 56.3 billion euros from the European Central Bank in March |
- Apr 19 Thu 2012 11:24
Statistics About The European Economic Crisis